Šarūnas Kvietkus

Gimė 1996 m. vasario 2 d. Baigė Justino Vienožinskio menų fakultetą Kauno kolegijoje. Toliau studijavo Vilniaus dailės akademijoje fotografiją.

Lietuvos fotomenininkų sąjungos narys nuo 2019 m. Meno kūrėjo statusas 2019 m. 


Personalinės parodos:

Saimaa, Imatra, Suomija, 2016;
Sviesus ir snieguotas , Kaunas, 2017


Grupinės parodos:

Fotografinės skulptūrų interpretacijos, Wyspa GAK, Lenkija, 2016;
Kauno tarpukario architektūra, Projektornia GAK, Lenkija, 2016;
Fotografijos mokykla, Meno meno galerija, Lietuva, 2017;
Paralelinė intersekcija Lisabona, Convento ds Tridade, Portugalija, 2017;
Skulptūros interpretacija, B20, Kaunas, 2018;
105 dienos, Pelėdų kalno galerija, Kaunas, 2018;
Camera Obscura 3, Post galerija, Kaunas, 2018;
Enter, Hamburgo fotograifjos trienalė, Hamburgas, Vokietija, 2018;
Paralelinis demonstravimas, Organ vida fotografijos festivalis, Zagrebas, Kroatija, 2018;
Paralelinė recenzija, Polo Cultural  de S.Vicente, Lisabona, Portugalija, 2018;
FAMM.MA2020.DOC, galerija Atletika, Vilnius, 2020;
Naujas aplankas IV, Prospekto fotografijos galerija, Vilnius, 2020;
Heterotopia, EEP Berlin, Berlynas, Vokietija, 2020


Born in February 2nd, 1996. Studied in Kaunas Justinas Vienožinskis faculty of arts, FOKA department with professors: Petras Sauėnas and Dovilis Paliukas, currently studying in Vilnius Academy of arts. In my projects, I am interested in the relationship between different social groups and the individual, the balance of power and influence of the historical and cultural contexts on contemporary everyday life. In my work, I deal with the behavior of man, technically influenced perception of the world, and the relational social factors affecting the individual. In creative processes, I experiment with various – traditional and alternative photographic techniques. Fields of research: psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology, scientific articles.

Member of Lithuanian photography association from 2019. 


2015 – 2018 (BA) Kaunas College, Justinas Vienožinskis Art Faculty, Photography department
2015.09.05 – 2016.12.22 Erasmus +, Finland, Imatra, Saimaa / UAS.      2018- now (MA) Vilnius academy of arts, Photography, media arts department.


Personal exhibitions:

2017.01.31 – 2017.02.28 Bright and Showy, Kaunas, Lithuania
2016.02.27 – 2016.12.19 Saimaa / UAS., Imatra, Finland


Group exhibitions:

2020.08.27-2020.09.10 Heterotopia, EEP Berlin, Berlin, Germany (World Wide).
2020.07.01-2020.07.25 New Folder IV, Prospekto Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2020.06.25-2020.07.15 FAMM.MA2020.DOC, Gallery Atletika, Vilnius, Lithuania
2018.11.28- 2018.12.15 Parallel Review, Polo Cultural De S. Vicente, Lisbon, Portugal.
2018.09.11 – 2018.09.26 Parallel showcase, Organ vida photography festival, Zagreb, Croatia.
2018.06.07 – 2018.06.17 Enter, Hamburg photography trienal, Hamburg, Germany.
2018.03.16 – 2018.04.13 Camera obscura 3 , Post galery, Kaunas, Lithuania
2018.02.05 – 2018.02.25 105 days, Owl hill gallery, Kaunas, Lithuania
2018.01.05 – 2018.02.20 Sculture interpretation, B2O, Kaunas, Lithuania
2017.11.23 – 2017.12.10 Parallel Intersection Lisbon, Convento da Tridade, Portugal
2017.03.07 – 2017.03.14 School of Photography, Art Art Gallery, Lithuania
2016.09.07- 2016.10.07 Kaunas Architecture of Interwar, Projektornia GAK, Poland
2016.09.08- 2016.10.07 Photographic interpretation of sculptures, Wyspa GAK, Poland


2019.12.18 Kaunas photography gallery, magazine “Į”, Kaunas, Lithuania.

2019.10.18 Easter European Photography gallery “EEP” Magazine “Vol 1”, Berlin, Germany.

Projects / art workshops:

2019.11.04 – 2019.11.08 Assistance in photography workshop   “Shaping of Light”, during art weak  “Update: Human. Nature” Liepaja, Latvia.
2019.04.04 – 2019.04.07     Artist talk and discussion, Riga photography biennial,   Symposium  “Manifestations of (in) Activism in the Latest Baltic Art”, Riga, Latvia
2019.02.20-2019.02.24 Artist talk and discussion with Liepaja University students , Latvia.
2017- 2018. European photography project – PARALLEL
2020.08.27-2020.09.10 Heterotopia, EEP Berlin, Berlin, Germany (World Wide).


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