Valentyn Odnoviun
- Interneto svetainė:
2019- till present - Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, PhD in Theory and History of Arts (Lithuania)
2016-2019 - Vilnius Academy of Arts, MA in Theory and History of Arts (Lithuania)
2017-2018 -Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Visual Arts (exchange program) (Germany)
2015-2016 - Academy of Fine Arts, Lodz, Visual Arts (exchange program) (Poland)
2014-2016 - Vilnius Academy of Arts, MA in Photography and Media Arts (Lithuania)
Member of the Lithuanian Art Photographers Association since 2018
2019.09 - Winner - Photolux Award, Lucca, Italy, Nomination by Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland
2018.12 - Laureate - Award by the Lithuanian Art Photographers Association, Vilnius, Lithuania
2018.11 - Winner - Panasonic Reader's Choice Award. Bird in Flight Prize, Photo Kyiv, Ukraine
2018.10 - Nominee - Photography Grant, London, Great Britain
2018.06 - 1st place - Krakow Photomonth Portfolio Review, Krakow, Poland
2018.06 - Public Choice Award - “MyEstonia?” Competition, Tallinn, Estonia
2018.05 - Shortlist - Kolga Photo Award 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia
2018.04 - Laureate - DEBUTS 2018, Warsaw, Poland
2018.04 - Nominee - Riga Photography Biennial Awards 2018, Riga, Latvia
2018.03 - Shortlist - Galerie Fotografic Open Call 2018-19, Prague, Czech Republic
2018.02 - Honorary Mention - PIC Förderpreis SELECTED 2018, Neuss, Germany
2017.12 - 1st place - World Biennial of Student Photography, Novi Sad, Serbia
2017.11 - Nominee - Warsaw Photo Days Grand Prix, Warsaw, Poland
2017.11 - Nominee - Different Worlds 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2017.10 - Nominee - Photography Grant, London, Great Britain
2017.09 - GRAND PRIX Award - INTERPHOTO Grand Prix 2017, Bialystok, Poland
2017.05 - Nominee - Walter Koschatzky Art Award 2017, Vienna, Austria
2016.12 - 1st place - Debiutas 2016 award for Emerging Art Photographers, Vilnius, Lithuania
2016.10 - Shortlist - Baltic Young Artist Award 2016, Riga, Latvia
2020.10 - “PW44,” Prospekto Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania
2019.09 - “Horizons,” INTERPHOTO 2019 Festival, Bialystok, Poland
2019.09 - “Architecture of Evidence,” Fotografie Galerie, Prague, Czech Republic
2019.04 - “Surveillance,” SRO Art Gallery of TTU, Lubbock, Texas, USA
2019.02 - “In the Dark,” Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga, Latvia
2018.05 - “The Process,” Flandernbunker Museum,Kiel, Germany
2017.12 - “Surveillance,” Cesis New Castle Exhibition Hall, Cesis, Latvia
2017.09 - “Surveillance,” gallery for art photography Stikliu, 4, Vilnius, Lithuania
2016.09 - “Traces of Memory,” Art gallery Akademija, Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.09 - Lost Time, Month of Lithuanian Photography, Kyiv, Ukraine
2020.09 - 6th Edition of the Photography Festival W Ramach Sopotu, curated by Adam Mazur, Sopot, Poland
2020.08 - Heterotopia, Experimental Visual Practices from Lithuania, EEP Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2019.10 - Museum of Now, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Berlin, Germany
2019.09 - Unseen Photography Fair, by Martin van Zomeren Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2019.09 - Second Biennial of Young Art, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2019.06 - Dub Toasted Time, Martin van Zomeren Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2019.05 - Final exhibition of the DEBUTS 2018 laureates, Krakow Photo Fringe 2019, Cracow, Poland
2019.02 - NUIT de la PHOTO,La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
2018.10 - MONUMENTA. The Intelligence of Many,Leipzig, Germany
2018.10 - Exhibition of the DEBUTS 2018 laureates, “Vintage Photo Festival,” Bydgoszcz, Poland
2018.09 - Chronometers, Klaipėda Culture Communication Center, Klaipeda, Lithuania
2018.09 - Exhibition of the DEBUTS 2018 laureates, Festival “W Ramach Sopotu,” Sopot, Poland
2018.07 - Tam Gdzie Teraz, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, Poland
2018.06 - MyEstonia?, ArtVilnius'18 Contemporary Art Fair, Vilnius, Lithuania
2018.06 - Exhibition of the DEBUTS 2018 laureates, “Fotofestiwal,” Lodz, Poland
2018.06 - The Vivid Unknown, - “Refugee Week Berlin,”Germany
2018.05 - Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2018, Tbilisi, Georgia
2018.05 - Different Worlds,Photon Gallery, Vienna, Austria
2017.11 - World Biennial of Student Photography, Museum of Contemporary Arts of Vojvodina, Serbia
2017.11 - Warsaw Photo Days, Warsaw, Poland
2017.11 - Different Worlds, Young Contemporary Photography, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2017.09 - INTERPHOTO 2017Festival, Bialystok, Poland
2017.06 - Auckland Festival of Photography,Auckland, New Zealand
2017.05 - Walter Koschatzky Kunstpreis.HOFSTALLUNGEN, byRotary Club Albertina, Vienna, Austria
2017.05 - Kaunas Gallery Weekend 2017, Kaunas, Lithuania
2016.12 - Debiutas 2016, photo gallery Prospekto, Vilnius, Lithuania
2016.06 - Meno Celės,Art gallery Titanikas, Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.09.11 - Artist Talk - Nida Photography Symposium 2020, Nida, Lithuania
2020.08.20 - “Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression” book presentation, Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga, Latvia
2020.08.18–21 - Moderator, Speaker - Kharkiv Photo Forum, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2020.08.13 - Artist Talk - ISSP Gallery, Riga, Latvia
2019.12.14 - Artist Talk -Seminar“Art and Holocaust,” Kaunas, Lithuania
2019.11.17 - Open Lecture -Kaunas Art Book Fair, Kaunas, Lithuania
2019.10.31 - Open Lecture -Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Art, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2019.10.26 - Open Lecture -Seminar “Path of Egons Spuris,” Ogre, Latvia
2019.03 - Artist Talk -Latvian Museum of Photography, Riga, Latvia
2018.05 - Artist Talk - Pix.House Photography Gallery, Poznan, Poland
2018.05 - Artist Talk - Department of Photography, University of Arts, Poznan, Poland
2017.11 - Artist Talk - Warsaw Photo Days, Warsaw, Poland
2017.11 - Artist Talk - Nida Photography Symposium 2017, 40th Anniversary, Nida, Lithuania
2017.03 - Open Lecture Post-Documentary - National Academy of Arts, Lviv, Ukraine
2020.09 - Artist book “PW44,” self-published, handmade, Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.04 - Author’s book:“Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression,” publishers:, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, ISBN 978-609-95181-9-0, Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.01 - 7md art newspaper, article: “Ukrainiečių įniršis Klaipėdoje”Nr. 2 (1323), Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.09 - Nuožmi taika: žlugusių režimų fotografija dokumentiniame kine by Natalija Arlauskaitė, Vilnius University Press, p37; 130-133, ISBN 978-609-07-0421-9, Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.08 - Kharkiv Photo Forum 2020 catalog, p122-125, Kyiv, Ukraine
2020.06 - Literatūra ir menas magazine, 3706/12 Aistė Grajaustkaitė, interview, “Valentyn Odnoviun: „Didžiausią įtaką darė Lukys, Flusseris, Pollockas ir kriminalistikos ekspertai,”” Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.06 - 7mdart newspaper, “Surveillance. A Typology of Oppression” book review, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Apie Valentyno Odnoviuno knygą „Stebėjimas. Priežasties tipologija,”” Nr. 24 (1345), Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.03 - Outlaws and Spies by Conor McCarthy, Edinburgh University Press, cover photo, ISBN 978-14-744559-3-0, Edinburgh, Scotland
2019.11 - European Photography, magazine, No106, p72, ISBN 9-770172-702002, Berlin, Germany
2019.11 - Opera national de Paris, catalog for the 2019-2020 season,p53, Paris, France
2019.11 - Photolux 2019, “New Worlds,” magazine,p136-137; 156-157, Lucca, Italy
2019.10 - Museum of Nowcatalog,p46-49, ISBN 9-783000-640001 Berlin, Germany
2019.10 - Second Biennial of Young Artcatalog,p70-73, Kharkiv, Ukraine
2019.09 - INTERPHOTO 2019 catalog, ISBN 978-83-934184-2-8 Bialystok, Poland
2019.02 - NUIT de la PHOTO catalog,La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland
2018.11 - OSMOS Magazine, No16, November 2018, p54-59, New York, USA
2018.11 - HANT Magazine, November 2018, Erfurt, Germany
2018.09 - MONUMENTA. Intelligence of Many catalog, p32-33, September 2018, Leipzig, Germany
2018.06 - DEBUTS 2018 photo book, Project: “Surveillance,” Publisher: “Blow Up Press,” Warsaw, Poland
2018.05 - Kolga Tbilisi Photo 2018 photo book,p 294-295, ISBN 978-9941-27-9164, Tbilisi, Georgia
2018.03 - DOC!Magazine, No8 (43), March 19, 2018, Warsaw, Poland
2017.12 - Fotografija magazine, No2 (34), p16-17, Vilnius, Lithuania
2017.12 - Lithuanian Photography'17 – Part II, Lithuanian Art Photographers Association Foundation,Vilnius, Lithuania
2017.11 - Different Worlds, fifth edition catalog,p26-27, Photon – Centre for Contemporary
Photography, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2017.05 - Literatūra ir Menas, magazineNo23 (3619), Back cover,p3, 20, 22, 31
2017.05 - 7mdart newspaper, article “Prievaros observatorija,”Nr. 20 (1214), Vilnius, Lithuania
2017.05 - Walter Koschatzky Art Award 2017catalog,p39-41 Vienna, Austria
2016.12 - Debiutas catalog, Publisher: Lithuanian Art Photographers Association, Vilnius, Lithuania
2016.06 - Meno Celės catalog, p66-67, Vilnius Academy of Arts Publishing, Vilnius, Lithuania
2020.10.01 – Bird in Flight, “Сліди війни: Зрешечені стіни у проєкті Валентина Однов’юна” by Володимир Коношевич and ОленаКовальчук, link:
2020.09.04 - Contemporary LYNX, Vera Zborovska, interview “INSIDE VIEW In conversation with Valentyn Odnoviun” link:
2020.06.26 - Literatūra ir menas, Aistė Grajaustkaitė, interview, “Valentyn Odnoviun: „Didžiausią įtaką darė Lukys, Flusseris, Pollockas ir kriminalistikos ekspertai,” link:
2019.03.06 - Wired Magazine, Laura Mallonee, article, “Think These Are Planets? They're Something Far More Sinister,” link:
2019.02.28 - FK Magazine, Arnis Balčus - interview, “Seeking scars of the past. Interview with Valentyn Odnoviun,” link:
2019.01.22 -, Jim Casper, article, “A typology of abstract images leads to a visual meditation about surveillance, control and state security,”
2017.05.19 -, Agnė Narušytė, article, “Prievartos observatorija,”