International Photography Symposium
NIDA. Meeting Photography
13-19 September 2021



VAA Nida Art Colony (E. A. Jonušo St. 3),

Curonian Spit History Museum (Pamario St. 53),

Nida Community Center (Taikos St. 17)

Amber Gallery-Museum (Pamario St. 20)




Lectures, artist talks, workshops, exhibition openings, photo-books and open-air screenings in public spaces will take place during the International Photography Symposium “Nida. Meeting Photography”. One photographer will be awarded the Neringa Mayor's Prize.


If you woul like to become a part of night projection program on topic „NEW BORDERS“, please send your work via Picter platform here.


Monday, Sept. 13. Workshops

Artūras Šeštokas. Wet Colodion Workshop II
Romualdas Požerskis. Long-Term Projects. Selection, Execution, Finalising
Visvaldas Morkevičius. Exercise

Tuesday, Sept. 14. Opening
11.00–17.00 Registration (LFS Infocenter, Nida Community Centre, Taikos St. 17)

17.30 Remigijus Treigys exhibition opening
(Thomas Mann Museum stairway, Skruzdynės st. 17)

18.00 Vaclovas Straukas exhibition opening (Curonian Spit History Museum, Pamario st. 53)

Opening of International Photography Symposium NIDA. Meeting Photography

Neringa Mayor’s Prize award

18.30 Kazimieras Mizgiris exhibition opening and book launch. (Amber Gallery-Museum, Pamario st. 20)

20.00 Opening party. Concert by Ruta Mur. Zuikio daržas (Nidos-Smiltynės Rd. 7a)

Wednesday, Sept. 15

Lectures (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

10.00 Virginijus Kinčinaitis. The Vitality of War Tourism

11.00 Indrek Grigor (Estonia). A curator’s confession on the occasion of the exhibition “Silver Girls. Retouched History of Photography”

12.00 Inga Bruvere (Latvia). Riga Photography Biennial (RPB)

17.00 Artist talks (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

Jessica Backhaus (Germany) <on-line>

Indre Urbonaite (Netherlands/Lithuania)

Philippe Gerlach (Germany); presented by "si:said" gallery

PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform / Kaunas photography gallery residency artists' presentation: Sofia Okkonen (Finland), Ida Nissen (Denmark), Šarūnas Kvietkus (Lithuania), Ramona Güntert (Germany/UK)


19.30 Nida OFF. Zuikio daržas (Nidos-Smiltynės Rd. 7a)


Thursday, Sept. 16

Lectures (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

10.00 Agnė Narušytė. Excess Emotions in the Ecosystem of Art Processing Internet Images

11.00 Skaidra Trilupaitytė. Counterfeit Faces

12.00 Sonia Voss (Germany). What Do We Know about Eastern Germany Photography?

13.00 Presentation of workshops

17.00 Artist talks (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

Laisvydė Šalčiūtė

Robertas Narkus. Disappearing From View

Anna Melnykova (Ukraine)


20.30 Projection night. Louis Roederer Discovery Award finalists' works (Kaštonas, Naglių St. 18b, next to the marina)

Friday, Sept. 17

Lectures (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

10.00 Tomas Pabedinskas and Arvydas Grišinas. Points of Change: Photography and Politics

11.00 Natalija Arlauskaitė. Microsurgery of Stagnation: Photographic Visuality of Medicine and Political Imagination in the Late Soviet Era

12.00 Valentinas Klimašauskas. Artificial Intelligence and the Future for Artists: Imagining New Roles for Artists and AI

17.00 Artist talks (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

Rein Jelle Terpstra (Netherlands)

Peter Bialobrzeski (Germany) <on-line>

Andrej Polukord (Lithuania, Austria). Wood Statues


20.30 Projection night. NEW BORDERS: Screening of competition finalists’ works (Kaštonas, Naglių St. 18b, next to the marina)

Saturday, Sept. 18

Lectures (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

10.00 Monika Krikštopaitytė. Photographing writers

11.00 Laima Kreivytė. Photography as architectural and conceptual core of exhibition. Zane Muholi in Venice Biennale

12.00 Kristine Kern. Contemporary Nordic Photography

17.00 Artist talks (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

Gerda Paliušytė

Jonas Kulikauskas (USA)

Ludovica Bastianini (Italy)

Chirag Jindal (New Zealand)


19.00 Closing of the festival (VAA Nida Art Colony, E. A. Jonušo St. 3)

Concert by Lapkričio 20-osios orkestras. Zuikio daržas (Nidos-Smiltynės Rd. 7a)



A few moments from the last year: Nida 2020 
The Association has the right to change the program.

Lithuanian Photographers Association, 2021

00370 5 2611665
Gedimino pr. 43, LT-01109 Vilnius