International Photography Symposium
NIDA2019. Meeting Photography
9 – 15 September, 2019
Monday, Sept. 9 Workshop day
Gintautas Trimakas. Analogue photography workshop
Aurelija Maknytė. Stories of drawers
Jolanta Dolewska (Scotland). Photography and Sculpture
Tuesday, Sept. 10 Opening Day
11.00 – 17.00 Registration (Info-center, Nida community center, Taikos str. 17)
18.00 Symposium NIDA2019: Meeting Photography opening
Neringa Mayor Prize
(VAA Nida art colony, E. A. Jonušo str. 3)
18.30 Liutauras Degėsys. Art as a Fail (Only) to Live
20.30 Opening party. "shishi" concert (Zuikio daržas, Nidos-Smiltynės rd. 7a)
Wednesday, Sept. 11 Collecting Photography
10.00 Ernestas Parulskis. Price of a shot and a code of a wall
11.00 Aistė Paulina Virbickaitė. On tendencies of collecting in institutions
12.00 Jon Uriarte. (Spain / UK). Data, Set, Match
13.30 Exhibition. Photobookshow / Curated exhibition. Amber Gallery-Museum (Pamario str. 20)
17.00 Artists’ talks:
Kevin Beck & William Sadowski (UK). How to travel the world, meet new people and see amazing photobooks
Kęstutis Grigaliūnas. Presentation on Artistic Research (started in 2008) at the Lithuanian Special Archives: Origins, Process, Directions and Results
Dainius Liškevičius
Audrius Kriaučiūnas (Lithuania / Netherlands). Cultural Artefacts – Filled with Meaning but Not Always Meaningful
21.00 Movie night. Documentary film “General Report II: The New Abduction of Europe” (dir. Pere Portabella), Spain, 126 min. Q&A with producer Adrián Onco (Nida Community House, Taikos St. 17)
Thursday, Sept. 12 (in)Activism in art
10.00 Adrián Onco. Cinema Beyond Cinema
11.00 Elīna Ķempele. Activism in Recent Baltic Art
12.00 Agnė Narušytė. The Artist as Partisan of the Anthropocene: Collaboration between Aurelija Maknytė and CastorFiber
13.30 University of Applied Sciences Photography students' Exhibition opening (Zunda, Nagliai st. 20)
17.00 Artists’ talks:
Mathieu Asselin
CoolTūristės. A performative lecture about photography as inspiration and conspiration
Cyril Albrecht. Listening to the Landscape
Klaipėda Photography Residency presentation. Sergey Melnitchenko, Stanislav Ostrous (Ukraine)
21.00 Movie night. Documentary film “Acid Forest”, (dir. Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė), 63 min. (Nida Community House, Taikos St. 17)
22.00 NIDA OFF programme (Zuikio daržas, Nidos-Smiltynės rd.. 7a)
Friday, Sept 13 Intersections
10.00 Erika Grigoravičienė. Intermediate and biodiversity visions in Lithuanian art from the 1990s
11.00 Adam Mazur. Unknown Lithuanian Photography
12.00 Dainius Junevičius. Review of Lithuanian Stereoscopic Photography History
16.00 Workshop presentations (VAA Nida Art Colony, E A Jonušo St. 3)
17.00 Artists’ talks:
Paulina Eglė Pukytė. Image and Image
Ignas Pavliukevičius. Art, new technologies and fluid identities
Justinas Vilutis. From Eros to Mechanism
Rudolfas Levulis & Paulius Mazūras. Activity Report. Latest Projects Review
21.00 Evening projection. “Futures and Intersections” competition winners’ showcase
Saturday, Sept' 14 Futures
10.00 Virginijus Kinčinaitis. Claude Lorrain in the Context of Redemption
11.00 Valentinas Klimašauskas. Poetics of evidence in the age of computer vision
12.00 12.00 Discussion Futures or What’s After? Moderator: Tomas Pabedinskas. Participants: Gintaras Česonis, Gytis Skudžinskas, Vytautas Kumža, Agnė Kučinskaitė
13.30 Exhibition. Dovilė Dagienė: The Memory of Plants (Curonian Spit History Museum, Pamario St. 53)
17.00 Artists’ talks:
Vytautas Kumža. Look. Yes, look again, and longer this time
Agnė Rita Kučinskaitė. Well, that was Stupid
Finalist of “Futures and Intersections” competition. Edyta Majewska. Other White
19.00 Closing of the event (VAA Nida art colony, E. A. Jonušo str. 3)
Photography competition “Photographing in Neringa” awards
21.00 Closing party. DJ Kelmas. Projections. Kaštonas (Naglių str. 18b, next to marina)
Sunday, Sept. 15 Exhibitions in Klaipėda and Palanga
Virginijus Kinčinaitis. Mobiliography exhibition SUBLIME3. (Antanas Mončys house-museum (S. Daukanto str. 16, Palanga). Exhibition is presented by Vilnius Town Hall
Women on the Moon. Curators: Denise Ackerl, Laima Kreivytė (KKKC Klaipėda Culture and Communication center (Didžioji Vandens g. 2, Klaipėda)
Each day from 11.45am to 2pm, you can have a picture taken at the Ričardas Šileika Studio and have yourself scanned in 3D format by Dalia Mikonytė and Adomas Žudys next to the VAA Nida Art Colony (E A Jonušo St. 3).
This year there’s going to be three workshops, by Gintautas Trimakas, Aurelija Maknytė and Jolanta Dolewska.
Registration for the workshops is open until August 19th, please register by writing an email to:
Information Centre working hours: September 10 to 14, 11am to 1.30pm and 4.30pm to 7pm.
The event is free for members of the Lithuanian Photographers Association and for residents of Neringa.
Early-bird ticket: 30 Eur.* (registration open until September 3rd)
Event ticket at the door: 40 Eur.*
*There is a 50% ticket discount for students and lecturers.
Workshop ticket: 45 Eur. (registration open until August 19th)
Workshop tickets for students: 15 Eur.
If you wish to purchase a one-day ticket, please visit the information centre after your arrival.
If you have any more questions regarding the event, please contact us via
A few moments from NIDA 2018
The organisers may edit or update this information.
Lithuanian Photographers Association, 2019
(VAA Nida art colony, E. A. Jonušo str. 3)