Agnė Gintalaitė
Not-My Not-Photography
Artistic Research on AI Generator Errors: Chasing Digital Truth
On September 26th (Thursday), at 5:30 PM, Agnė Gintalaitė's solo exhibition "Not-My Not-Photography" will open at the Vilnius Photography Gallery (Stiklių St. 4, entrance from Didžioji St.).
Agnė Gintalaitė does not create images. She creates things that exist only within images. She tries to convince the viewer not to trust the "photographic" image. But why should we trust it even less than before? Agnė Gintalaitė positions herself in a photography gallery with non-photography that looks like photography. Who is the author of this exhibition, and who is the actor? What is the object, and what is the subject — nature, human, or artificial intelligence? Who shows, and who watches? If you ask artificial intelligence for a "human," you get a man, and if you ask for a "woman," you get a man’s gaze. The artist's struggle with artificial intelligence in the field of image generation is a struggle with countless other people, their choices, the opinion of the majority, mass taste ("metastyle," according to Lev Manovich), social stereotypes, and the dominant understanding of what art is. Yet, as with any artwork, the most important is the one who makes decisions, who selects. Typically, images without mistakes are chosen, but in this process, Agnė seeks out mistakes, and those mistakes create a hybrid existence that transforms into a visual projection of inner emotional states, sensory ecological anxiety, and the disappearance of the boundary between human and animal. Agnė Gintalaitė chooses the mistake. The mistake becomes salvation.
Paulina Pukytė
The works were created using a personal photo album and generative media.
Agnė Gintalaitė is an artist working with pre- and post-photographic processes, generative artificial intelligence, ready-made objects, moving images, and sound. Agnė graduated from the Vilnius Academy of Arts, studied psychology at Vilnius University, and earned a master's degree in Cultural Studies from Vytautas Magnus University. She is currently a PhD candidate in Ethnology / Cultural Anthropology at the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, a cultural publicist, and a social affairs commentator for lrt.lt. Her interdisciplinary creative strategy is characterized by a reflective, investigative approach and a hybrid combination of scientific and artistic research methods. Her areas of focus include conflicts between forms and discourses of knowledge, social norms and transgressions, mobility and migration, the phenomenology of human and non-human errors, and generative artificial intelligence as an artistic medium. Agnė is a member of the Lithuanian Photographers Association and the Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists' Association.
Lithuanian Photographers’ Association is funded by the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
Gallery working hours: Tue–Fri 12 AM – 6 PM, Sat 12 AM – 4 PM.
Agnė Gintalaitė. Not-My Not-Photography
2024 09 26